Monday, September 28, 2009


My District funny face photo:P
In koyasan with 2 other districts, we stayed in Temple with buddhist monks lived like them for a day. and toured around Koyasan saw many many shrines. :)


  1. Hey Lily,
    Great to see what you've been up to. Divana gave me your blog address. Love your uniform and it sounds like you are enjoying life in Japan. Your new host family will definitely be good for learning the language. Can't wait to see your next blog entry. Keep in touch,

    Nicola Kuhn

  2. Hi Lily, Awesome to be able to see your pictures and keep in touch. What a wonderful experience for you. Enjoy.
    Holley Campbell

  3. LILY I MISS YOU! LOVE MEAGAN! follow her blog it's:

  4. yo lily what is with the jam under the nose?, you look like you have a dirty Hitler stash...
    lovin it.

  5. hey blondie, you kinda stick out
    i love you a lot a lot
    and miss you lots too.
    me and meagan are going for a nature walk soon and it snowed tonight. I'm going to use my mom's skype to contact you so could you send your addy to my hotmail account as I am taking a leave of absence from facebook!
    rossland misses you!
    hope you are having fun!
    please post another cute picture of you looking funny, made my evening.
    love you!
