Last Night My host brother Eisuke (15 yrs old) took me to small summer carnival. The games that they play are different. After we went out to sushi house with host family Mika (mother), Norifumi (father), Yoske (9 yrs old brother).
This is the conveyor belt that went by with sushi on it, you take the one that you want. I tried octopus raw it chewy and I didn't like but when cook it much better.
Yesterday I started school at yamate girls school. I had to do a small speech about myself :S. But today I got my uniform, this is me in the summer uniform. I walk to school it takes about 25 minutes ( not all the time). I have to be in school by 8:30 for home room everyday, and you go to home room at the end of everyday aswell.
There are 7 block in school day ending at 3:40, except for tuesday and friday when it only till 6 block end at 2:45. They Put me in grade 1 high school so i will be able to go on a school trip.
Lily nice lil' house on the prairie sleeper nightie your wearing there, love the socks by the way. Next time wear one pink and purple. cheaaa